Scandalous – LJ. Shen


Scandalous, the highly anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint Series by LJ Shen is available NOW!


Scandalous by LJ Shen

Publishing Date: September 29th, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romance

They call him The Mute for a reason.

Hard, cold and calculated, he rarely speaks.

When he does, it’s with disdain.

When he does, his words aren’t meant for me.

When he does, my stomach flips and my world tilts on its axis.

He is thirty-three.

I am eighteen.

He’s a single dad and my father’s business partner.

I’m just a kid to him and his enemy’s daughter.

He’s emotionally unavailable.

And I am…feeling. Feeling things I shouldn’t feel for him.

Trent Rexroth is going to break my heart. The writing isn’t just on the wall, it’s inked on my soul.

And yet, I can’t stay away.

A scandal is the last thing my family needs. But a scandal is what we’re going to give them.

And oh, what a beautiful chaos it will be.


Trent’s gaze cut to mine and stopped when his grays met my blues. The fading noise of Vicious barking at people to move along, and my father finally letting go of my arm to move toward Jaime and Dean—probably trying to gain both allies and sympathy—died down.

“I don’t like you,” Rexroth whispered under his breath, his voice harsh.

“I never asked you to.” I shrugged.

“You won’t be working here.” His arm brushed my shoulder, but I didn’t think it was by accident. I let loose a sugary smile, scanning his face and torso for no other reason other than to taunt him. “Good, you’ll be doing me a favor. My father is the one forcing me to work here. He’s pissed I turned down five Ivy League colleges. Remind me, Mr. Rexroth—which top tier university did you attend for your degree?”

The low blow was supposed to retrieve some of my lost dignity, but bile burned my throat, shotgunned from my stomach. Trent Rexroth was known in Todos Santos as an exhilarating success story, rising from the gutters of San Diego. He went to a shitty state college that accepted even the illiterate, working as a janitor on campus after hours. Those were given facts he’d recited himself in an interview for Forbes.

Had I really just tried to make him feel less worthy because he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth? It made me sicker than wearing my mother’s designer garbs.

Trent smiled, leaning into my body, into my soul. His smirk was more frightening than any scowl, frown, or grimace I’d ever seen. It threatened to tear me apart and sew me back together however he pleased.

“Edie.” His lips were dangerously close to my ear. A delicious shiver moved down my spine. Something warm rolled inside of me, begging to unknot and flower into an orgasm. What was happening, and why the hell was it happening? “If you know what’s best for you, you will turn around and leave right now.”

I elevated my head to meet his gaze and showed him my version of a grin. I was born and raised in a world of intimidating rich men, and I’d be damned if I go down like my mother—addicted to xanax, Gucci, and a man who paraded her on his arm for a short, glorious decade before keeping her solely for public appearances.

“I think I’m going to go find my desk now. I’d wish you a good day, Mr. Rexroth, but I think that ship has sailed. You’re a miserable man. Oh, and one for the road.” I fished for a Nature Valley bar in my mother’s purse and plastered it to his hard, muscled chest. My heart slammed into my neck, fluttering like a caged bird.

I hurried after my father as he glided down the vast, golden-hued hallway, not daring to look back. Knowing I’d started a war and arrived unequipped. But I also knew something else that gave me a surfer’s rush—if I could slam the final nail in my employment coffin and make Rexroth vote against me, I’d be off the hook.

I had just the plan for it. All I had to do was act like a brat. Game on.


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L.J. Shen never ceases to amaze me. I have read FIVE of her books this year, and loved each one more than the last. She has the ability to throw you right into the story, and grip you from the very first page. Her stories are addictive and intense, and has you believing that you are right there in the book with the characters. I found it difficult to lift myself from the fog and get back to reality once the book ended.

The angst that the author writes is like no other. As a huge fan of angsty reads (more angst the better), I will admit that even I had to take a breather at times. I’m not even close to exaggerating when I say that my chest hurt throughout most of the book, I honestly thought that I would keel over. I was crying, sweating, experiencing chest pains, and that was just chapter one!!

No, I’m kidding…kinda.

Scandalous had everything I needed to get me out of the book funk I have been in for the last few weeks, which is amusing seeing as this book has just put me back in one.

Each book in the Sinners of Saint series focuses on a different character in the same universe. We see each of these Hot Holes change their a**shole ways to get the girl, whilst remaining an a**sehole…does that make sense? Trust me you’ll get it if you’ve read the previous books. What I’m trying to say is the men become less unapproachable when it comes to their women. They become slightly softer when they fall in love. Trent it no different.

Known as The Mute for his lack of verbal communication, Trent only bothers to talk when it’s absolutely necessary, and that’s usually to spit insults at somebody. He’s cold and has a presence that demands attention. He works longer and harder than anyone, with good reason. Trent has a lot going on in his life, he’s a single dad raising a four-year-old daughter, after her mother left her alone in the crib when just a baby; initiating Luna not talking. He is also running a company along with the other Hot Holes, and Jordan Van Der Zee; a man who has hated Trent from the moment he laid eyes on him. When Jordan’s teenage daughter, Edie Van Der Zee, tries to mug Trent’s mother, Trent finds this as the perfect opportunity to get the upper hand with Jordan. Not being able to communicate with his daughter has taking its toll on Trent and it’s not until he witnesses Luna’s interaction with Edie that he begins to see that he may actually need her.

I have loved all the Hot Holes, and I never thought any of the men could get better that Dean Cole; I was wrong. Dean has been pushed off his perch and been replaced with Trent Rexroth. His relationship with Edie was thrilling, and intense, and so incredibly hot!! I loved Luna, that little girl had me in tears more times than I can count. Such a precious and kind heart, she’s amazing. I knew I would love Scandalous, because of how much I loved the previous books, but I didn’t realise how much I would love it. Scandalous is right up there with my top five reads this year, and there is some mean competition I can tell you. L.J. Shen has seriously out done herself with Trent, and I am so excited to see what she has up her sleeve for us next.

pink rating


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About LJ Shen:

L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.

Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.

She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.


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